
For Heurtebise
Gabriel Cohen

Oct 22 - Dec 30, 2023

Press - Bio pdf
Crosstalk essay  by Lucy Whiteley

For Heurtebise (end of the road or, how I found peace along I-80), 2018-2022. plywood, acrylic, gouache, snail shell found on a walk with dakota, iron rich dirt collected from the area surrounding the Canyon Diablo meteor impact site, epoxy.
29 x 30 inches

Circumscription III (Trompe-l'oeil, misc. flagellant), 2023. Studio rag, wood glue, plaster.
19.5 x 12.5 inches

short band across vast distances (I-60 crossroads and Boötes' dark heart), 2018-2023. Plywood, car radio, custom electronics and wiring, speakers, FM radio transmitter, USB drive, media player, MP3 file 12:00:00.
72.5 x 52.5 x 92 inches

Lamentation I, After Cocteau (all the young men just wanting touch), 2022. Iron rich dirt collected from the area surrounding the Canyon Diablo meteor impact site, paper mounted on panel
12 x 9 inches

Lamentation II, After Cocteau (my beloved put his hand to the latch), 2022. Iron rich dirt collected from the area surrounding the Canyon Diablo meteor impact site, paper mounted on panel
12 x 9 inches

Photos by Chris Hanke