Frost     Aaron Minardi

Exhibition was shown exclusively through the gallery door
Page "A" shows exterior documentation, page "B" shows interior views and work detail.

A      B

Frost, 2024
Vinyl, Metal Grommets,Uncut Keys 120” x 150”

Frost (detail)

Snowman, 2024
Found Video, 03:59:05

Pocketful of Weather, 2024 Leather jacket 16” x 40”

Con-junc-tion 1, 2024
Napkin, Bells, Nail 8” x 19”

Con-junc-tion 2, 2024
Napkin, Bells, Nail 5” x 13”

Opening, 2023
Giant ceremonial ribbon cutting scissors 13” x 41”

Untitled (materialization), 2023
Found paper, Frame 17” x 24” x 1.5”

A      B

Text - Checklist

Photos by Evan Walsh & Aaron Minardi

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